How-To: Add Your First Patient

How-To: Add Your First Patient

Adding Your First Patient Information

Once you have set-up your Doctor Portal correctly, you will be able to begin adding cases! Follow these instructions to ensure you have added all necessary details for our LightForce representatives.

  1. To begin, click 'Add a Patient to Get Started'

  1. Fill in the your patient's identification information (name, DOB, gender, Patient ID)
  2. Click ‘Save and Continue’ to ensure your patient's information is saved in the LightForce system

Adding Patient Images

  1. Add the necessary correct patient images
    1. These images can either be submitted through a single composite photo, or individually.
    2. You also have the ability to 'drag and drop' your images, or 'browse your files'
    3. You are able to click on each of your images to see a larger version.
  2. Specify radiographs (optional)
    1. Choose either Panoramic X-Ray or Lateral Ceph X-Ray
  3. Click 'Save' to successfully upload your patient's images 

Creating Your Patient's LightForce Treatment Plan

After you have successfully uploaded your patient's demographics and images, you are ready to begin the treatment planning process!

The simple and intuitive online interface is designed for fast and efficient treatment planning. Simple easy to use treatment planning software allows for review and approval from virtually anywhere. The proprietary digital design and manufacturing software compensates dynamically to modify the bracket programming to maintain straight wire principles.

  1. To get started, click 'Create a Treatment Plan'

  1. Select addresses.
    1. Billing and Ship to
  2. Upload your STL files (scans).
    1. It is ideal to upload these scans through your LightForce portal.
  3. Go through and indicate your treatment preferences.

Indicating a Strategy

  1. The 'Strategy' notes area is extremely important.
    1. Please indicate all notes you have regarding your case to help our representatives create an accurate treatment plan. The more specific the notes, the more accurate our initial set up will be. By telling us what your strategy, we can better serve your needs.
    2. Indications of which teeth are going to be reshaped, what positioning to maintain from the original occlusion and arch form, or any specific skeletal corrections being made.
    3. Has this patient had orthodontic correction prior to our receipt of the case? Are there any other parts of hardware to be installed on a patient that will interfere with bracket placement
  2. Click 'Continue.'

  1. Specify slot height.
  2. Indicate hook preferences if needed.
  3. Click ‘Continue’ to finish the treatment planning process.

Tracking Your Order

  1. Once your case has been submitted, you are able to track the entire process until it is shipped to your door!
  2. Unlike other digital treatment systems, the LightForce planning software gives you control over virtually every aspect of the case.

What's Next

  1.  After receiving and processing the initial treatment plan, the case is returned to you for your additional clinical input. 
  2. The LightForce platform gives you fast delivery of the patient’s custom appliance. Just 7 to 10 business days from approval, the customized appliances are on the way.